Friday, April 9, 2010

Effectiveness of Computer Hacking Laws.

Like any other law, the effectiveness must be determined by its deterrence. While there will always be those that want to see if they can do it, and get away with it (any crime), there are always the many more who may not do something if they are aware of its unlawfulness - and possible imprisonment.

In the early 1990's, when hacker efforts stopped AT&T communications altogether, the U.S. Government launched its program to go after the hackers. This was further stepped up when government reports (by the GAO) indicate that there have been more than 250,000 attempts to hack into the Defense Department computers. First there were the laws - now came the bite behind it. One of the effects of computer hacking brought about focused efforts to catch them and punish them by law.

Then, more recently, the U.S. Justice Department reveals that the National Infrastructure Protection Center has been created in order to protect our major communications, transportation and technology from the attack of hackers. Controlling teens and hackers has become the focus of many governmental groups to stop this maliciousness against individuals, organizations, and nations.


  1. Hi Gloria. This is a very interesting cyberlaw issue. I look forward to your views and opinions on this and whether you would consider existing laws as effective. I also am quite curious on how effective the law is in dealing with this problem in different countries. Thanks. :)

  2. Thanks Dr.Bahma, for your visit and comments.
    I quiet agree with you that the existing laws are effective, just that the culprits had come a long way. Like in my country where so many things are done unfairly and injustice, chances of getting employed or support financially to be self-employed is slim, you can only be better placed if you are connected to ministers or politicians, everyone does not have such opportunity and one need to survive. I am of the opinion that the cause need to be addressed and a lasting solution should be adopted. Else hackers and other criminal acts will remain other of the day, and anyone can be a victim. Please more of your visit and contribution will be highly appreciated.

  3. Hacking is definitely a malicious deed and unlowful, however I believe most people don't see it as a crime, they see it as an ability, don't you agree with me? what can be done to change it?

  4. Thanks Amir,
    I do agree with you, i am affraid if the law enforcement laws will be totally effective because hacking had come a long way.
    Im of the opinion that the cause should be identified, then followed by solution.
    Please more of your ideas will be acknowledged.

  5. Dear Gloria
    I would like to give u a suggestion about ur blog
    nowadays people don't have time to read and I think u R agree with me about that so I suggest u to use more multimedias inside ur blog.

  6. good point of view.can you discuss the laws of hacking in malaysia and comapare it with US, maybe in the next blogs?
